All posts by L.L. Shelton

About L.L. Shelton

Bonnie is a Jesus Lover, and in light of the fact, loves His wonderful church. She is interested in many things and enjoys sharing her view of some of them on this blog. She is a poet and a singer of songs. She resides in Memphis, Tennessee, where she is a dedicated wife and the mother of seven children- five of whom she educates at home, as the eldest two have graduated homeschool and are pursuing their own interests. In her spare moments she may be found in her home office with a client, as she is a practicing Biblical Counselor and a Life Coach. She welcomes you to print and share her articles and poetry, and to quote freely from them with the understanding that she is to be acknowledged as the author. Mrs. Shelton does NOT OWN the copyright to the majority of the photos and other types of illustration used on this site!

Ever An Illusion

In a moment, a truth can occur with sudden clarity, as when I read his post celebrating the wedding of his sixth and youngest child, complete with final tag: #lastweddingforever. Granted there is every reason to rejoice over nearly any wedding as in a world often clearly displaying hate, it is truly refreshing to focus on a celebration of love. But, that is not the truth to which I refer, rather it is this: We do not have any idea whether or not it will be the last wedding. But It is easy to forgive the naive perspective. Control is ever an illusion.

Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.

An Immigrant’s Plea

America! Most Gracious! Free!
Give of yourself- your liberty!
Crumbs from your table,
Please share with me.

I may take my time to read
And write the English that is yours,
I may not know your history
When I embark upon your shores,

But I will learn as you nurture me
In the bosom of tranquility,
Grateful for opportunity,
Escape from dreadful tyranny.

Copyright 2010. L.L. Shelton.

Springtime Offerings

Sparkling diamonds in the sky,
Gold dust beneath my feet,
Treasure trailing ‘round each corner
Suggesting to my eyes to peek,

Flitting, fleeing, bouncing,
Bush to tree to flower,
Life is running overland
Displaying awesome power,

Masterfully orchestrated,
Most colorful parade,
Distraction still is paramount-
Enmeshed in this charade.

Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.

Are You Spiritually Naked?

As it becomes more complicated on a daily basis to monitor the input of the world into our own minds, as well as our children’s, I am comforted by the recollection of a sermon I heard Dr. Adrian Rogers preach a few years before his death.  He reminded us that moral impurity comes not from what is going into us but from what is coming out, as Jesus said.  (See Matthew 15:11, Mark 7:15)

Dr. Rogers explained with tremendous articulation that if we are who we should be on the inside, spiritually, we can experience anything and our reaction will be a Christ-like response.  He gave the example of seeing the public nudity of a beautiful woman and mused that Jesus would seek clothes for the poor unfortunate soul and would Himself cover the person, and would then likely pray over that one, and possibly attempt to convert that fellow human being to The Faith, all of this rather than lusting after the poverty-stricken creature; reasoning that though endowed with physical beauty, she was indeed spiritually poor and naked.  (See  Revelation 3:17)

I have come to the conclusion that we should place our emphasis on what is right rather than on what is wrong.  This is the way to become who we should be on the inside.  It is the way to a pure heart.  Certainly, we should be aware of and we should help others to notice what is wrong, and we should be initiators of change as well, but our emphasis, our priority should be to know and to focus on what is right.  The good should be given preeminence in our hearts and minds.  We should be learning and teaching what is excellent and praiseworthy.  We should always be wearing our clothing, our spiritual armor.  If this were more often the case, there may be less wrong to confront and to manage.  (See Ephesians 6:10-10, Philippians 4:8)

Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.

To Tell The Truth

Suspect yourself or someone else of dishonesty if there is a need to retell something again and again and again- in other words there is a genuine yet strange emphasis on the event.  I refer not to the continual resurfacing of the happening and referencing of it, but to the continual need to repeat the story itself,  usually to the same people as often as to someone who may have never heard it.

Of course, there are those who may repeat a scenario over and over and over in their own heads, but are able, by way of temperament or different affectation, to restrain from a consistent public retelling or reworking of the event.  In this case one still should suspect and examine himself or herself for dishonesty, and if necessary seek assistance.  Interestingly, it appears that those given to public display of their stories are often perseverating both publicly and in private.

Traumatic memory is often caught in a feedback loop.  The need to continually, even obsessively, remember the event is rooted in the fact that it was never fully processed, and certainly not in a healthy manner.  The happening remains unresolved in the person’s psyche.  The dishonesty arises as, in the attempt to process the authentic structure of a circumstance, particularly a disconcerting event, the memory is altered to make it into something easier to bear.  This may be intentional but sometimes takes place at the level of the subconscious.  Therefore the author of the memory is not always aware of the restructuring and certainly is not fully aware of why and how the memory was changed.

I believe that the supposed need for the dishonesty occurs at the level of a person”s heart motive.  I work with my clients as a person of faith and understanding, attempting to draw those motives out into the Light (Proverbs 20:5).  For instance, a victim of trauma may have been harmed by someone closely related to her and will attempt to alter the memory to “see” someone else as the perpetrator, or he may “reason” that he was behaving in an inappropriate manner inviting the perpetrator to commit a crime against  him.  Perhaps the victim is one of secondary trauma, having observed a violent happening and failed to intervene.  Occasionally, I encounter someone who has dismissed a large portion or portions of his or her life due to some type of chronic traumatic situation.  These changes soften the impact of the memory for the one who has been victimized,  allowing the victim to maintain some ability to function in the face of tragedy.

On the other hand, a perpetrator of violence, and it should be noted that the perpetrator has sometimes first been a victim, may attempt to rewrite a memory because he or she cannot bear to think the self is capable of the horrendous act. This can arise due to the conscience being severely wounded but not quite dead, or due to the presence of a personality disorder which suggests to the person that they may not be, and indeed in the person’s mind are not, less than perfect.  However, the desired result is the same- a lessening of the severity of both the internal and the external impact of the behavior.  From either the victim’s or the perpetrator’s position there is a convoluted reward for the dishonesty.  The problem arises due to the twisted nature of the prize.  (To avoid confusion, it should be noted here that genuine lack of empathy, as in the case of true character disturbance, has no need to reconstruct memory for the other’s sake. )

My clients are often surprised to find the genuine culprit of the nearly incomprehensible past that has lead to a painful present and a bleakly viewed future, is the person himself or herself.  However, once the revelation has occurred, the path to healing, while requiring a cautious engagement due to the fact that a person’s mental composition can be fragile, is generally swift.

Nevertheless, there are some who have engaged in habits of dishonesty for so long and even willfully, they are unlikely to heal this side of heaven, and some will not reach heaven.  They are those who refuse to acknowledge the possibility and certainly will not acquiesce to the probability that the author of the confusion is the self.  These persons are regularly sent for professional psychological or psychiatric evaluation and are often eventually diagnosed with a personality disorder, or as character disturbed.   At times,  they are found to be psychopathic.

Genuine honesty is a rare strength.  One of noble character, who can find? (Proverbs 31:10)  The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9-10)     Truth is sometimes as difficult to locate as is the perfect gem, but it is without fail, worth a great deal more.  Ultimately, it is the truth that liberates  us (John 8:32-38).  “Heal me, LORD, and I will be healed, save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise,”  Jeremiah 17:14.

Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.

Did You Grow Up?

“There’s something wrong with the way I grew up.”  This admission occurs in the office of a Life coach and Biblical counselor now and again.  My standard response, or something near it:  Yes, I’m sure there is, as sin is a reality that affects the entirety of creation- welcome to the only club that involves everyone.  In fact, each human being is granted lifetime membership upon conception.  The important factor is what you will do to make your adult life one of positive contribution in spite of the lack of the perfect childhood, leaving the world somewhat better off than you found it.

Some childhood histories include genuine trauma, adult trauma is certainly a reality; and traumatic experience has the potential to ruin all good things.  Still, in the face of this physical, emotional, and spiritual monster- the ultimate question is:  Are you going to allow it to destroy you and possibly the ones you love, as well as your potential to improve society for yourself and for the next generation?

Instead, will you seek assistance through your local church, a Christian counselor, coach, or psychologist? Will you admit your troubles to a neighbor, friend, or family member and ask for help in the journey? Will you become vulnerable once again to your fallen human companions, renewing your trust in a select few? Will you continue to hope in our shared potential as we surrender to Our God who in His time is making all things new?

I am hoping.  I am believing in Our God and am considering in Faith His greatness and power, knowing that by Him and through His Word, His Son, Jesus Christ, and in His Holy Spirit, we can be changed, and that the dead shall be raised incorruptible. Will you join me in this authentic available hope?

Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.

Testimony and Praise

I’ve been working with a particular client for several years. I’ve prayed over this person, prayed for this person, actively listened, instructed in Scripture and from acquired knowledge, and read entire books in an effort to be of further assistance in the person’s specific situation.

As we closed our last session before this one, I was moved to pray for this person to be courageous and trusting enough, along with possessing the emotional stability, as well as the mental clarity and stamina necessary to  be absolutely honest with me concerning an area of life that I suspected was continually being misrepresented. I felt the power of God as I prayed.

I wondered, as my client slowly walked away from my front door, head low, if after seeing the person regularly for years, I would not see my client again. This person had been hedging and protecting information necessary to a healing for a very long time.

My client did return for the standing appointment kept over the years and began nearly immediately to share important things, complete with notes from personal journal, that are essential to progress toward genuine emotional wellness and assuming a position to implement ideas for positive change. We praised God together and thanked Him for answering prayer before closing the session. Honesty is a valuable tool and sincere prayer is certainly invaluable.

Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.


Parkinson’s, Lewy Body Disease, and Alzheimer’s are progressive dementias for which there is no existing cure.  A dementia is a brain disorder creating senility.  We now know that these illnesses are associated with the loss of acetylcholine, an organic neurotransmitter, which is a necessary building block in creating the myelin sheath around the “tails”or “tentacles” of each of our neurons (brain cells).  Interestingly, the loss of acetylcholine has also recently been linked to the development of schizophrenic illness.

Imagine a sword without a scabbard. Imagine that the sword is in active use, twenty-four hours each day, seven days a week, three hundred sixty-five days per year.  It is never housed in a sheath, but is continually exposed to all of the elements- weather and clashes with other weapons, stones etc., without the occasional rest and protection provided by the scabbard.  Perhaps our neurons are similarly in need of being sheathed.

While it is likely that there is, as with possibly any bodily malfunction, a genetic pre-disposal to these brain disorders as well as environmental/behavioral triggers, the destruction of acetylcholine has been found to be particularly associated with excessive orgasmic activity and self-stimulation.   The use of fantasy and/or porn appears to increase the risk.  It is easy to see that those diagnosed with an intimacy disorder or sexual addiction are at an unusually high risk for developing these mental diseases.  Do you have google in your pocket? Access to the internet? Be bold.  Do some research.

Excess (gluttony) and self-centeredness are prohibited by our Maker. God has his reasons for His instructions concerning the use of His design- His functioning systems. If only we would learn to take Him at His Word. His character is trustworthy and has never been on trial. It is our character that is lacking, ours that is in need of defense.

Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.

Here I Am

(On Romans 1:20)

Nature is my emissary:
Stop denying me.
You search for me there
On someone’s shelf,
In painting, film or poem,
In the mind of someone else.
Seek me here, where I am found,
Calling to you from the ground,
Whispering encouragement
In gentle breezes all around,
Driftng through the sky as clouds,
Racing through rivers
And running in streams,
Staring from stars,
Your yearning in dreams,
I am with you where you are-
Reach for me.

Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.

Something New

You wanted to take care of me,
I stood stunned:
In my mind a tempest stirred,
My thoughts whirled round
Your voice unheard,
Brilliant to bleak the colors ranged,
Patterns clashed and raged,
Many things have traversed here,
Books from page to page,
Ideas and ages old and new,
All left me ill-prepared for you.

Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.