All posts by L.L. Shelton

About L.L. Shelton

Bonnie is a Jesus Lover, and in light of the fact, loves His wonderful church. She is interested in many things and enjoys sharing her view of some of them on this blog. She is a poet and a singer of songs. She resides in Memphis, Tennessee, where she is a dedicated wife and the mother of seven children- five of whom she educates at home, as the eldest two have graduated homeschool and are pursuing their own interests. In her spare moments she may be found in her home office with a client, as she is a practicing Biblical Counselor and a Life Coach. She welcomes you to print and share her articles and poetry, and to quote freely from them with the understanding that she is to be acknowledged as the author. Mrs. Shelton does NOT OWN the copyright to the majority of the photos and other types of illustration used on this site!

Wondering For Christmas

Wondering is the perfect food
For the hungry soul,
Ultimately has brought to mind
All we truly know,

Inspiring angels when it brings
The thief to earn his meat,
Lift their voices praises sing
As harlot’s love turns sweet,

With their shouting heaven rings
When liar can live honestly-
How precious is this wondering
When brings us to belief!

Copyright 2017.   L.L. Shelton.

In Him To Belong

I do now thank Him

For the muck and the mire,

For deliverance from a frozen desire

For death…

And for His strong sweet

Breath exhaled on the fire,

When the embers burn low, succumbing to tire

I wait…

There under the skies

I lie stretched on the pyre,

Then all is still, until I hear Him inquire

Of me…

Copyright  2010.   L.L. Shelton.

Authenticity Not Required

Furrowing through Friendly Burroughs,
Meandering over expressions fields,
Looking to be virtually encouraged,
As the blind man longing to be healed.

Traveling trails of threads and tags,
Mining moments freshly posted by souls,
Searching for a spot to park our bags,
Preparing to be part of an imitative whole.

Wandering free in near community,
Collectively connecting through thin air,
Gathering seconds fragmentarily,
Dispelling bits and pieces of despair.

Copyright 2017. L.L. Shelton.

What If

What if every time you prayed a shout was heard in the throne room of God?
What if every time you prayed for someone by name a shout was heard that included their name?
What if every time you prayed the shout was heard and angels were immediately dispatched to the aid of the one for whom you cared enough to mention?
What if every time you prayed that band of angels and others were strengthened in power?
What if every time you prayed it affected not only all of life on Earth but all of life in the Heavens?
What if every tiny string of absolutely every particle reverberated at the utterance of your mouth toward God?
What if prayer changes something while in essence it remains the same?
What if prayer is the most important work that any of us will ever do?
Would our priorities change if we knew all these things were true? I was just wondering.

Copyright 2016.    L.L. Shelton.