All posts by L.L. Shelton

About L.L. Shelton

Bonnie is a Jesus Lover, and in light of the fact, loves His wonderful church. She is interested in many things and enjoys sharing her view of some of them on this blog. She is a poet and a singer of songs. She resides in Memphis, Tennessee, where she is a dedicated wife and the mother of seven children- five of whom she educates at home, as the eldest two have graduated homeschool and are pursuing their own interests. In her spare moments she may be found in her home office with a client, as she is a practicing Biblical Counselor and a Life Coach. She welcomes you to print and share her articles and poetry, and to quote freely from them with the understanding that she is to be acknowledged as the author. Mrs. Shelton does NOT OWN the copyright to the majority of the photos and other types of illustration used on this site!

Grey Matters

Silence can be deafening.

Light can blind the eye.

Gentle can be threatening,

A softer kind of lie.

Life-giving water often drowns.

Food poisoning’s a thing.

A smile will sometimes hide a frown,

And wisdom may be wondering.

Copyright 2020.   L.L. Shelton.

About Decisions

One person’s way of choice is to stay the road they’re on, never moving faster or slower but to keep a steady pace- a familiar pace- the one that has worked.

Another’s is to search out a new road, a better path, to move at varying speeds adjusting accordingly- to travel a different  way- one that may work best for now.

Each when free of sin, or the lesser of two evils, valid choices- and either will come with consequences.  The important thing is to take responsibility for the decisions made.  This is to practice a life.

Copyright 2020.   L.L. Shelton.

It’s Coming!

Delicate golden cups of yellow

Waving atop slender stalks of green,

Clustered here and everywhere

Glistening with sunshine sheen,

Around my feeder fluttering

Gatherings of lacey hue,

Dancing all about are

Brilliant red and softer blue.

Trees so newly budding,

Icy rain to soggy earth,

A fresh scent on the breeze

Whispers promises of birth.

Copyright 2020.    L.L. Shelton.

The End

(For Zeek)

Was Bonbon born tired

Or was she simply worn out

By the time she was six?

You are not yet six.

Was it because she was shiny

Or was it due to her being less?

Was it over before she started

Or was it all to bring her here to you?

I sing, I write, I paint, I draw, I care.

I love and I forgive.

Am I trying to remember

Or am I trying to forget?

Please know that I love you,

That I traveled this road first,

That I may not know the beginning,

But I am well aware of the end.

Copyright 2020.    L. L. Shelton.

Reality Bites

Truly, I am not seen.

I am an appendage,

An arm or a leg.

An afterthought

Dependent on every movement,

Lost but for that unique perspective,

Those exclusive feelings,

Belonging only to that one

Enamored with the reflection in the mirror.

Copyright 2020.   L.L. Shelton.

Koffi Morning

Desert ground is thirsty,

Far beyond parched,

Ouietlly begging for a

Long tall drink of water.

Dust clouds surround the truth,

Making it easier to breathe.

Water is fascinating here.

Loneliness is magnified.

Succulents abound,

Storing up the moisture needed

During a dearth of dew,

Sharing only if you know the password.

Sunshine raining down,

Thawing frozen hearts and minds,

Wind sweeping out the fog,

And Koffi early.

Wrapped in red,

A shadow on the sand,

The old is forever new.

Copyright 2020.    L.L. Shelton.


On this night,

This fateful night

Our joys completely multiplied;

As heaven’s plan to justify

Became apparent to the eye.

As Simon spoke,

My eyes have seen

The one from whom salvation springs.

Let us rejoice, shout praise, and sing

And unto Christ our brief lives bring!

Copyright 2019.    L.L. Shelton.

The Journey Together

For every up there is a down,
For every joy there is a sorrow,
For every life that’s lived,
There comes a no tomorrow.

Bring on your troubles then,
We’ll carry one another,
Until that very end,
We’ll love like we are brothers.

Together count our blessings,
United we will strive,
We’ll learn and in thanksgiving,
As family we’ll thrive.

Copyright 2019.     L.L. Shelton.