Category Archives: Poetry

Letting Go

I suffer no illusion,
that you place anyone above yourself,
no illusion
that honesty is an important
characteristic to you,
no illusion
that you are free,
no illusion
that you love me,
no illusion
that you like to dance.

Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.


Do you know of this I speak-
Kilimanjaro, with snow in summer at its peak?
God is greater.
Do you know of this I speak-
A newly mapped universe, if stars you seek?
God is greater.
Do you know of this I speak-
Love nailed to a cross, for man’s sin wide and deep?
God is greater.
Do you know of this I speak-
New life, a blessing bought for the meek?
God is greater.

Copyright 2019. L.L. Shelton.

Help Wanted

I am the leader here.
Whether or not I
Desire the position
Is not considered.
It is assumed.
It is what it is.
I can fold
Or I can march,
I can shout
Or I can whisper.
I can cry
Or I can laugh.
There will be a time
When I sing and dance.

Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.

Fall Feast

Red and rusty,
Golden leaves,
Autumn whistling
Through the trees,
Wine with bread,
The Blessing said,
On His broad chest
I rest my head.
I fold my hands
In secret prayer,
And ask Him that
He keep it there.

Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.


1. Stop expecting, worse desiring, for our government to do everything.
2. For all of our sakes STOP asking our government to do it all.
3. Eat and drink carefully and healthily, exercise twenty minutes, and study God’s Word each day in an attempt to keep ourselves in optimal health, to be of service to others.
4. Grow a portion of our own food.
5. If we are able to grow extra food- share it with our neighbors.
6. Buy from local food sources and producers.
7. Eat out at restaurants that serve only what is grown locally.
8. Start a local food pantry to collect from those who have much and redistribute to those who have little.
9. If we are fortunate enough to have opportunity and funding for regular preventative medical care, avail ourselves of the services.
10. If we are healthy and another is not, do what we can personally, to alleviate the person’s discomfort- particularly if this person is our own family member, but certainly do not limit our love and provision to our own.
11. Do our good works among our own and expand outward to others.
12. Start a medical fund in our local church and use it to help those in health crisis, within and outside the Body, who have no (or insufficient) medical coverage.
13. If we have an extra room, share it with someone who has no home of his or her own- particularly if this is a person (or family unit) from our own tribe, and certainly if the person is not in need of constant care or medical attention.
14. If we can afford to hire someone or to offer private care ourselves, open our home to someone needing constant care or who is dependent on medical aid. If the person has a home, supply care in his or her place of residence.
15. If we have an extra house or property of some kind… do we really need to talk about this?
16. Insist that able-bodied-minded persons work for their room and board.
17. If we have a dependable vehicle that is not fully and usefully employed- share it! At the least consider offering someone who is dependent on public transportation a regular ride.
18. Better yet- ditch our gas guzzling vehicle that helps to keep us dependent on foreign oil and/or fracking at home with the possibility of helping to create earthquakes, and cheerfully support public transportation with our tax dollars and our voluntary commitment to it.
19. Support alternative energy research and development.
20. Repair, re-use, recycle!
21. Turn our A/C up and our heat down 2-3 degrees. Give the money we save to someone who has less than we do.
22. Build a lending library of some kind and be sharers! Do this with our local church body and share with the community at large.
23. Educate our own children well.
24. Anytime we have opportunity, faithfully tutor someone else’s child. This can be done simply by seizing a teachable moment, or on a formal schedule of some kind.
25. If we are an employer, provide for the NEEDS of our own family members and those of our employees BEFORE providing extravagances for our family and those closest to us.
26. When someone from our own small society becomes pregnant outside of marriage- particularly with no criminal offense having taken place, assist the person ourselves in managing the pregnancy, the birth, and the rearing of the child, hopefully with the aid of our local church body.
27. Start an adoption fund in our local church and offer financial aid to Christians willing and desiring to open their homes to orphaned children.
28. Be especially supportive of widows, and encourage young widows OF THE FAITH to marry again.
29. Stop insisting that people get married for reasons that are unbiblical. Marriage is for Believers.
30. Stop penalizing people for being unmarried. Support the single members of your group in their choice to remain single. Support Civil Unions.
31. Offer singles and those choosing civil unions, family time with our families in our homes. If they are not Christian, so much the better, we can be like Jesus and offer a witness to The Gospel. (If you are strong, go into their territory when invited and enjoy them while offering a witness to The Gospel. This is not fellowship. Fellowship assumes like-mindedness.)
32. Stop expecting unbelievers to think and behave like we do.
33. Understand that those who are born into suffering are there, in part, to teach us selflessness and patience, and to help us learn to be servant-hearted.
34. As a rule, where and when possible, share with those outside the Church, and faithfully share The Gospel along the way.
35. Set an example of being kind to anyone and anything living- in this way we will nurture life and discourage a culture of death.

At the least, let our speech be encouraging, building up those around us rather than tearing them down. May GOD help us to make America great, and please LORD, let it begin in me.

Copyright 2018. L. L. Shelton.


I stare at the world
In wide-eyed wonder
I consider a rock
With joy
I am lost
In the sound of thunder
I hear His voice
With joy
I receive Him
In thoughtful bunker
I perceive Him
With joy

Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.

Betwixt Two

On the left the hurricane
Force of strength
With Careful name
Blowing this way
Sometimes that
Calm at the eye
Like a cat
Unwavering stare
Frozen in place
Missed the moment
May have found Grace

On the right the empty hole
Gaping needful
Shallow soul
Pulling twisting
Dragging for more
Helpless hopeless
Bleak barren shore
Toilsome darkness
Ever in view
Transfixed snared
Caught between two

Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.