I feel better
With you beside me,
Without you here,
Who would I be?
I can find
My worth in you,
No need for you to
Need me too.
Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.
I feel better
With you beside me,
Without you here,
Who would I be?
I can find
My worth in you,
No need for you to
Need me too.
Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.
Regarding Paul:
He wrote about what he knew.
He wrote about the universal-
Those things we all know.
He wrote to clear his head
And to cleanse his heart-
And connected the masses.
Happy Mother’s Day,
And may God bless you,
All of you and each of you,
On this very American Fourth!
Let it be.
Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.
(With a nod to Mary Shelley)
Frankenstein and Dracula
And wicked witches all,
Find return in human heart
With back against the wall;
Depravity is all she wrote,
Resonating with the world
Is our pitiable condition,
As from the garden hurled.
Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.
Moon can not glow,
As sun will not shine,
Stars disappear
With all sense of time,
East now meets west,
North can’t find south,
Dislocated teeth
Bruising the mouth,
Motionless hands,
Legs that won’t travel,
Still melody flows-
Soul shall not unravel,
As hidden below
Your Word yet does battle.
Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.
Now I lay me down to sleep,
Grateful to the ones who keep
Their fellow men to rest in peace;
As to our freedom they attend,
Our persons, property defend,
If need be, to own life’s end.
Copyright 2011. L.L. Shelton.
Keep me faithful
As the river winds,
Keep me gentle
As the whispering breeze,
Keep me shining
As the brightest flower,
Keep me bold
As the stately trees,
Keep me hungry
As the suckling things,
For you always,
Saving King.
Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.
People are precious,
Invaluable to God.
People are eternal,
Invaluable to time.
People are essential,
Invaluable to space.
To harm another or yourself
Is unwise- to say the least.
God will tell.
Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.
Moving among them
Sensing the need,
Soaking in pain,
Feeling the plea,
Drenched in the rain,
Drinking in sorrow,
Swelling informed
Of trial for tomorrow,
Carrying harm
In these weak arms.
Moving through me
Sensing my need,
Soaking in Truth,
Feeling I’m freed,
Drenched in my Christ,
Drinking in sorrow,
Swelling informed
Of joy on the ‘morrow,
Carrying Love
In this heart from above.
Copyright 2018. L. L. Shelton.
We like God
To stay small
In His box
Down the hall,
In the attic
Up the stairs
Until that day
Standing on chair,
Pull the cord
Drop the door
Bring it out
Manger to floor,
Dust it off
Nice and clean
Pretty little
Nostalgic scene,
Merrily we
Dance and sing
Of a tiny
Newborn king.
Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.
America! Most Gracious! Free!
Give of yourself- your liberty!
Crumbs from your table,
Please share with me.
I may take my time to read
And write the English that is yours,
I may not know your history
When I embark upon your shores,
But I will learn as you nurture me
In the bosom of tranquility,
Grateful for opportunity,
Escape from dreadful tyranny.
Copyright 2010. L.L. Shelton.