Category Archives: Poetry

The King Pimp

If Gloria Steinem is correct, if marriage is only legalized prostitution- then God is the king pimp.

But what if she is wrong and marriage- marriage apart from the state, marriage practiced as it was designed to be and intended to be by God, is the most beautiful gift God bestowed upon humanity, second only to Christ Himself?

What if the perversion of marriage has been purely manmade;  brought about by our self-centeredness, our sin and our unwillingness to forgive, the natural result of individual cynicism and hardheartedness?

Copyright. 2020.    L.L.  Shelton.

My Shingles And Me

I know you by now.  You are the ordinarily pleasant sounds of life moving through the day, the  common mistakes of a moment that everyone makes, but you are disguised as something terrible.  You make me feel as though I need to cover my ears and seek shelter.  You cause me to be nearly unable to withstand these usually comforting evidences of the living.  Normal existence grates across the fabric of my being.

Next, you appear as screws puncturing and turning in one or another well chosen area of my inner space.  Most often I feel you in my upper arms, my neck and shoulders, and my lower back.  You show up violently as though you are outraged at having been suppressed.  You immediately explode and your ranting is somewhat paralyzing.

Finally, there is debris scattered sparingly across my shoulders, around my collar bone, occasionally along my spine.  Your signature in little blistery pop-ups that itch momentarily; that I unwittingly run my nails across in response to your demands, that become crusty, scab-over and pass away as mysteriously as they arrived.  Your clarifying claim of responsibility for the terrorist act.

Treacherous enemy that you are- you require absolute surrender to ease the pain.  We are, therefore, at odds.  Though I ache, though I am near exhausted, I will move, I will recover, and I will live.

Copyright 2020.    L..L. Shelton

This Just In

There may be no other day to practice stealth.

We were never promised second breath.

In our robust pride we easily forget,

Our only common surety is death.

The argument is sound,

For humility in man.

There is no way around

This blatant truth.

Now is the time we know we must admit,

Our lives often lived as hypocrites.

Run quickly! Fall into His loving arms

And claim The Only Shield from lasting harm.

Copyright 2020.    L.L.  Shelton.

Only One


Can be hard to see,

When it hides behind

Strange love of me.

Sunshine glowing,

Brisk and free-

On a dime snowing,

Covers the trees,

And I wake up

With the usual plea,

Answered in silence,

Neglecting to be.

Copyright 2020.    L.L. Shelton.

I Believe In Magic

Why was it decided that Heracles did not descend to Hades from Tenaro simply because Hecataeus visited the area and could not find the entrance? Why did many then conclude that man is the measure of all things? Could it be that Hecataeus lacked the imagination or the skill necessary to find it? Could it be that some form of reality may exist on a spiritual plane? Could it be that magic and reason co-exist? Shouldn’t we consider that all things are possible with God? Of course there are absolutes found in Scripture, but are there not many things left to the imagination? And I dare say, the imagination captivated by God Himself is an extraordinarily capable thing.

Copyright 2020.   L.L. Shelton.

Grey Matters

Silence can be deafening.

Light can blind the eye.

Gentle can be threatening,

A softer kind of lie.

Life-giving water often drowns.

Food poisoning’s a thing.

A smile will sometimes hide a frown,

And wisdom may be wondering.

Copyright 2020.   L.L. Shelton.

About Decisions

One person’s way of choice is to stay the road they’re on, never moving faster or slower but to keep a steady pace- a familiar pace- the one that has worked.

Another’s is to search out a new road, a better path, to move at varying speeds adjusting accordingly- to travel a different  way- one that may work best for now.

Each when free of sin, or the lesser of two evils, valid choices- and either will come with consequences.  The important thing is to take responsibility for the decisions made.  This is to practice a life.

Copyright 2020.   L.L. Shelton.

It’s Coming!

Delicate golden cups of yellow

Waving atop slender stalks of green,

Clustered here and everywhere

Glistening with sunshine sheen,

Around my feeder fluttering

Gatherings of lacey hue,

Dancing all about are

Brilliant red and softer blue.

Trees so newly budding,

Icy rain to soggy earth,

A fresh scent on the breeze

Whispers promises of birth.

Copyright 2020.    L.L. Shelton.

The End

(For Zeek)

Was Bonbon born tired

Or was she simply worn out

By the time she was six?

You are not yet six.

Was it because she was shiny

Or was it due to her being less?

Was it over before she started

Or was it all to bring her here to you?

I sing, I write, I paint, I draw, I care.

I love and I forgive.

Am I trying to remember

Or am I trying to forget?

Please know that I love you,

That I traveled this road first,

That I may not know the beginning,

But I am well aware of the end.

Copyright 2020.    L. L. Shelton.