Category Archives: Poetry


I can forget the rain
When flowers bloom
Golden, yellow,
Purple hues.

I can forget the storm
When firelight’s glowing
Violet, and orange,
And blue.

I can forget the silence
When birds do sing,
Carolers, their anthems ring,
And promises abound of spring.

Yet, no antidote
To you begot,
God made you
A Forget-Me-Not.

Copyright 2019. L.L. Shelton.


I remember,
You were once me,
Or I was you
It’s hard to see.
Fives meant nothing
But I was young,
One chapter ringing
In my ears for fun,
I meant to give
A name that mattered,
But I was young
My hope was scattered.

Copyright. 2019. L.L. Shelton.


Under ceiling of stars,
Upon warm fragrant earth,
Struggling with feelings,
He knew before birth.

He knows who I am.
He knows who I will be.
Great is His love,
Unwavering mercy!

Though often I fail,
Long suffering, kind,
Our Precious Savior
Keeps me on His mind.

Copyright 2019. L. L. Shelton.

Bound In Eternity

I have God
And He has me,
In face of all
I hear and see.

Though pieces of the fall,
Threaten true belief,
Above it all His glory shines,
Midst of storm, He brings relief.

His Gospel Hope
Forever bright,
In darkest night
Has won the fight.

Copyright 2019. L.L. Shelton.

Serotonin Shortage

I like the black that covers me
When there’s no end in sight,
When I can’t find a way
And dark obscures the light,
When my strength has faded
And hope is far away;

I know it is a strange friend
I can’t invite to stay,
I must resist this ebony,
When seeks to take control of me,
Drag me under quiet sea,
Skip ahead to what was to be.

Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.


Don’t you know it’s cold outside?
Cruel season I can not abide,
Might as well be Iceland,
So cold it is here, Friend.
It’s cold and winter’s not yet near.
It’s sunny and the day is clear,
And I’m lonely.
Iceland is only
As far as you from me.

Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.

Is It A Game?

A complicated board-
Can it be rearranged,
This late in the game?

Leaving players better off-
Than they had been before,
No longer craving more?

This is the age old question-
Answer rarely is the same,
And we wonder who’s to blame?

Copyright 2018. L. L. Shelton.