A Representation of Loss


Jonathan! I’m so thankful.
Please text me. After all,
I pay for these phones.
Pieces of my heart walking
Around on their own…
I’ll never get used to it.

Your chest is still aching?
But you did see the doctor?
What did he do for you?
Delsym and a shot. A shot?
Stainless refrigerator…
Fingerprints everywhere.

Colorful kitchen encircling
Us- a family. Beautiful and
Changing continually,
Experiencing new growth
And pruning regularly…
Pleasantries spilling over.

Even the edges are lovely.
Stop that Jack! That was my idea
First! I was using the icing.
Someone grab the cat!
Love filling the fault lines…
Geniuses all- to my tinted eyes.

Tiny structures suitable
For Borrowers who may fancy
Icing on graham dwellings
Line the countertop with cheer,
Brass charger so shiny…
Who’ll take it home this year?

Nativity to Tasty Trump Tower,
Expressions we will later devour,
Internet votes soon to be counted,
Speculation amid laughter,
Grace running through us…
What could undo us?

Grabbing for jackets, hats,
Gloves to stay warm across town,
Treading through huge hugs,
I love you’s landing on grateful ears,
Front door opens for first to depart…
Ushers in a rushing dark.

Call 911! Oh God- our baby!
I think as I call while I pray and maybe
It’s something else- what?
I hear her say Jamie. I see him.
Son-in-Love! No! I plead don’t go…
Please don’t leave.

I know. I worked SICU. I can spot
Blue lips, blind eyes, soul departing
Earth for Everlasting Life.
Ambulance arrived. You’re too late,
I sighed. I whispered to his father…
We stood there alive.

Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.