Category Archives: Spiritual Health

Morning Thoughts

One of the greatest misconceptions about God is that He demands our allegiance, inspiring our obedience, for Himself- to feed His giant ego or something… God demands our allegiance, inspiring our obedience, for our sakes- to keep us safe from greater harm than the fall will naturally do us…

And yes it brings Him great glory to be the perfect benevolent father that He is- always looking out for His children, keeping our best interest at heart, putting us ahead of Himself, doing what is right for us in spite of our willfulness and our misunderstanding of Him; in this sense it is for Himself.  He longs for our best.

The Bible is the beautiful flawless love letter of a perfect parent to His children- and IMHO the perfect document.  I’ve read it a few times.  I’ve read it cover to cover.  I’ve read it in chronological order.  I’ve studied through it verse by verse.  I’ve prayed through it and read it just for the joy of it, and though I remain imperfect until that day, I believe it and I am encouraged.

God is good all the time. ❤🙏🏻