God’s Word Tells Us:
1. It is something that we must strive to keep out of any ecclesia- out of any gathering of two or more in the name of Christ Jesus.
2. It is something God hates.
3. It is something that will bring us pain.
4. It is something that brings pain and illness to those we claim to love.
5. It is something that wills to kill us.
6. It can be blatant or subtle.
7. It loves the dark.
8. It hates the light.
9. It loves a lie.
10. It hates the truth.
11. It is self-seeking.
12. It puts self over others.
13. Its source is pride.
14. It is something that will not remain hidden indefinitely.
15. It is something that every man knows is wrong by the power of his own conscience.
16. It is something that the Believer knows is wrong by his conscience and the indwelling power of The Holy Spirit.
17. It is something that should be confessed to God and to other Believers daily to deprive it of its power.
18. It is something that will only grow in power if it be professed to the wrong person or people.
19. It is the thing that makes us unequally yoked with another.
20. It is something that we must repent of (turn away from) to permanently discourage it.
21. It is something worth our efforts to atone for here on earth. (Heavenly perfect atonement has been made for the Believer by Jesus Christ.)
22. It is the thing that has the power to destroy us to send us to Hell, and to separate us from God and from others who love God forever.

Copyright  2023.   L.L.  Shelton.