Tag Archives: men’s roles

On Women Preachers

I am a mother.  I have sons and daughters and love them absolutely and equally.  But according to Scripture, they have different positions before God, and their assignments are not the same.

Both men and women are at fault for where we are in the church, today.  If men were leading as they should; there would be no question as to the role of a woman in church or in society.  Men had to abdicate for there to be openings in leadership for women.

Eve did not usurp Adam’s position of headship; Adam willingly gave it up.  However, Eve did influence Adam to do evil, as Satan influenced her.  We, men and women, must willingly accept and embrace the responsibilities God has given us; to carry out our particular directives toward God and toward each other, and to resist or to flee evil.

Women and children are not animals- that they should be used according to men’s fancy or need- and should never be treated as such, and men are not pieces on a game board to be manipulated according to their weakness.  All are human beings subject to God’s authority.  Do not be further deceived.  Love one another as Christ in God has loved you.  Speak Truth to one another in Love.

Women are not the problem.  Men are not the problem.  Others are not the problem.  SIN is the problem.  Sin is disobedience to God as He has revealed Himself to be in His Word.  One day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is LORD, and judgement will follow, and that day may be very soon.

Copyright 2022.     L. L. Shelton.