The First Kingdom

I am a Christian.  This does not mean I am perfect but it does mean that I strive to be like my Master. My Master lived and walked the earth and his biography is aptly recorded in the Scriptures. Therefore, I read and study his life to learn NOT what WOULD He do, but WHAT DID JESUS DO? This question should be central to all followers.

I grow weary with both major political parties using God’s Word to justify their various positions and actions.  Haven’t they ever heard of separation of church and state? Of course they have! They site it when it is to their advantage.  There was a reason that the founding fathers of our country, who probably had a collective I.Q. twice that of any group of citizens we could put together, today, touted the principle regularly.  Did you know that it was their idea of a way to ensure that the church is protected from the government- protected from tyranny?

We who are followers of The Way are citizens of his heavenly kingdom first.  Our allegiance belongs to God in Christ first and to our nation second.  This enables Christians of all earthly kingdoms and nations to be a collective “nation” of our own, of God, that is unified and overrides all other systems when it is necessary to obey God. This is not a difficult Truth, if you read the book and look for the answer with the sincere motive of finding how to be like Christ by learning what Jesus did.

Let’s not continue to drag our facsimiles of God into our political squabbles. He genuinely exists and He is everywhere.  He continues to make Himself known to all who are paying attention to Him.  We are primarily a part of a bigger better system.  Our first loyalty is to a King who has issued his law and identified it as the most important, the greatest of all laws:  The rule to love God FIRST, as He defines it, your neighbor second and equally with yourself; and to avoid any confusion He further interprets his law:  Do unto others- any other human being- as you would have done unto you.  Our efforts to mold and make God into something other than He has declared Himself to be are futile at best, absolutely foolish, and at worst, evil.

Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.