A Furtherance of The Feminine Mystyque

(A clumsy attempt at gratitude)

Forged by Mattie Louise:

To squarely accept a challenge.

Forged by Beatrice:

To kneel before serving.

Forged by Lolita:

To celebrate,

To appreciate beauty, 

To enjoy the exquisite.

By Henrilu:

To teach,

To be grateful for the good,

To appreciate both the banality and the significance of life.

By Mother:

To share,

To persevere,

To come to terms with being here.

By Ouida:

To be modest,

To maintain dignity,

To attend to personal growth.

By Betty:  

To be quiet, 

To be tolerant,

To be forgiving.

By Claire:

To be myself,

To accept myself,

To exist honestly, and without apology.

By Rita:

To be charitable,

To be cooperative,

To be observant, without obvious opinion.

By Turner:

To make note of useful information,

To keep the intimation in a safe place.

By Mrs. David:

To enjoy one-on-one conversation.

By Mrs. Auderson:

To love story.

By Mrs. Meyers:

To be thankful for governance.

By Mrs. Nuckols:

To find pleasure in reading to others.

By Mrs. Donovan:

To appreciate myth and metaphor,

To enjoy performing the written word.

By Miss Gregory (a.k.a. Mrs. Housholder):

To know The Bible as a real book of true things,

To hide those true things in my heart.

By Patty Mikkelsen:

To keep a sense of humor,

To commemorate the moment.

By Holly Elliff:

To be conscious of my position,

To be aware of my influence,

To be careful with my power.

By Marilyn Simmons:

To actively love,

To celebrate fellowship in Christ, 

To celebrate marriage and family as an extension.

By Mary Maude Shafer

To be lovely,

To be gracious,

To be prayerful.

By Caffy Whitney:

To embrace the God ordained propensity to be creative.

By Pam Elliff:

To be the beautiful strength in the shadows.

By His Grace, I am forged for freedom.

Copyright 2016, L.L. Shelton