An Open Letter To The President

April 13, 2020

Dear President Trump,

Please don’t be concerned with defending yourself against those who truly wish to bring you down for various and sundry reasons- most of them political.  Your constituency does not care what they think, and it is painful to watch you spending your precious time and energy on them building a case for yourself.  Though, personally, I hate being misunderstood and can only hope that I would bear up under the same temptation.

You are well loved and respected by many who know you directly and by many who don’t, as well as by many great minds- and through your leadership during this extremely difficult period in the history of the world, by most who voted for you and by many who did not vote for you.  It is difficult to believe that the worst enemy of our nation would have wished upon your presidency, upon our country, such a terrific crisis.

You do not need to put aside any more of anyone’s expensive time, particularly your own, trying to reason with those who continually disagree with you and are possibly intent on creating dissension.

I, for one, am honestly grateful for your fine leadership at this challenging time.  I continue to pray for you, and for your family, and for all members of your staff.

May God bless you, and may God continue to bless America,

L. L. Shelton