What If

What if every time you prayed a shout was heard in the throne room of God?
What if every time you prayed for someone by name a shout was heard that included their name?
What if every time you prayed the shout was heard and angels were immediately dispatched to the aid of the one for whom you cared enough to mention?
What if every time you prayed that band of angels and others were strengthened in power?
What if every time you prayed it affected not only all of life on Earth but all of life in the Heavens?
What if every tiny string of absolutely every particle reverberated at the utterance of your mouth toward God?
What if prayer changes something while in essence it remains the same?
What if prayer is the most important work that any of us will ever do?
Would our priorities change if we knew all these things were true? I was just wondering.

Copyright 2016.    L.L. Shelton.