Category Archives: Academics & The Arts

From Babel to CERN

From tremendous tower to palatial particle accelerator, we are determined to find God through contrived methods and limited modalities.  We are sure that we can discover and sing the science without being in relationship  with its composer, unwilling to admit that we are only familiar with a derivative of authentic music.  Science is perfectly beautiful but should be studied in relationship with God as the magnificent and extravagant language of God.  Science should never be approached separately from a genuine relationship with God.  Science is knowledge, literally “to know.”  Knowledge apart from wisdom, divided from God, is missing an element essential to its core; something completely necessary to a proper application of knowledge.

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, growing in paradise, was a tree of science, a tree of knowing.  This tree was a tree of many branches, of numerous disciplines, all capable of overwhelming our human sensitivities and bringing us to desolate places of ruin apart from the loving leadership of our Creator.  When we disobeyed GOD, made him sad, in other words-sinned- when we took and ate from this tree, we internalized the fruit, the knowing.  This knowing encompassed the good and the evil and implanted in us an awareness of the difference between the two, as we were endowed with a conscience; therefore we are accountable to God for our knowing.  It is our responsibility to acquire wisdom.

We must never give ourselves to the creation, for the creation- life- is absolutely vulnerable to all forms of death and dying apart from her Creator, with physical death at some point guaranteed; rather there is a way to give ourselves back to the Creator.  The way home is to be reunited with GOD, to become one with our Creator; we must accept the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, as the substitutionary atonement for the sin that produced our original separation from GOD, and maintains our perpetual separation from Him.  We must believe in Christ’s atonement,  through His sinless life, death, burial, and resurrection, accept it and bow our knee in acknowledgment of the Lordship of  Christ; GOD’s plan for our salvation from this world and our translation into the next, where we will  continue to enjoy our Creator and glorify Him forever.  Let the true music begin!

Copyright 2021.   L.L. Shelton.

Don’t Let It Be Forgot

Is it probable that we have so abused our liberty  that we have propelled our nation into a choice between thinly veiled fascism and slightly  obscured communism? Is it too late for any rational choice- too late for our healing? Has the time passed for our recognition of the other’s point of view and a sincere attempt to find a common moral ground? Professing Christians stand resolutely on both sides of the divide, each one sure of his perspective and of his thoughts regarding  it.  Each idealogical camp accuses the other of a lack of regard for the living.  Each group is sure that the other is a culture committed to death of one kind or another; therefore each assembly is pushing for its members to vote according to conscience.

What if each individual and morally grounded voter is honestly compelled to consider an issue that he believes is a promotion of our culture of death, and is certain that the other party is oblivious to said issue; therefore he casts his ballot in the opposite direction? In this case, are we not obliged to consider that each congregation’s view of death is different.  As our president so aptly stated during a press briefing  related to the possibility of reopening the country during the COVID Crisis, and for these words I applaud  him, “There are many ways to die.”

While good Christians are united in their belief in their need of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and in their belief in His divinely appointed position as the only begotten Son Of God, good Christians are diverse in their genetic compositions as well as in their life experiences, lifestyles, and in their personal and cultural histories.  These differences allow for the development of a curious array of perspectives.  What if each of us on both sides of the aisle- that is each one who is truly sane- understands that death is the ultimate evil ushered into the world by sin and longs for life to prevail? What if our greatest need is to sit with the other at a round table and discover the other’s understanding of the nature, structure, and definition of death? What if, presently, our greatest common good would be to cultivate a true comprehension of the other Christian American’s view? (This is not to say that the table should accommodate those who do not profess Christ as Savior and Lord.  The table I imagine would seat my friends and family members who are fruit producing, baptized Believers, as well as their loved ones who are in the same position, and as the true church we would come together to discuss our opinions of God’s communication of what constitutes oppression and death, and to further our understanding of the other tribe’s dialect concerning such things.)

I find that I agree with Ayn Rand (who by her own admission, thought under the influence of Aristotle) in specifically this:  For one man to demand that another man give up his own life and personal happiness for the sake of another is the ultimate selfishness and is evil.  That said, I wholeheartedly believe that the Creator God who exists does ask this of each man for the other, and encourage the Christian education that exposes others to this Biblical Truth, and the subsequent explanation of all Scripture.  I hope for the church to continually propagate her beliefs founded in The Word of God to man, and that many will give up their own self-centeredness to the better man in Christ Jesus, to the power of His Holy Spirit, and to the will of God.

In conclusion, it is apparent that some good Christians are assured of the science evident in the natural physical world and other good Christians avow the “magic” of Aslan, and that some of us embrace both; of course both in the purest sense are True, as both in the purest sense can be known.  Come, let the church of America reason together.  Let us remember our history, and in all gravity, think on the mistakes of the past and learn from them.  Let us consider the abundant evidence of resulting corruption and reject fascism, communism, and all other terrible notions.  Let us avoid the evil of a totalitarian regime, as it is an absolute government of man in the place of God; and may He Himself have mercy on our souls!

Copyright 2020.    L.L. Shelton.

It’s A Small World After All

Guys! Can we talk? I have participated in a couple of conversations recently that served to bring about an awareness, again, of the ease with which we are strikingly self-centered. In each conversation, I noticed as my friend struggled to place the blame for something outside his or her reach on the self. This response appeared overdue.

First and foremost, our God is generous beyond compare. He designed His systems within systems so perfectly as to be admired without ceasing by any thinking person. I find my rest in it.

Please consider: Each of us is the product biologically, genetically, and environmentally of many others, as well as of our own choices and responses to outer stimuli; therefore comments filled with negative connotations, meant as criticisms, that we are all guilty of slinging have no place in Truth. They will at most be only partially accurate. For example:

1. Get YOUR kids out of the kitchen.
2. Stop YOUR kid from climbing on that car.
3. He gets THAT from his mother.
4. He is JUST like you.
5. Your channeling your father, AGAIN.
6. There’s my DAD in him.
7. You’re just like your father.
8. You’re just like your mother.
9. There’s no helping her- she’s just like her grandmother!
10. He’s a product of his environment.
11. It happened because he spent so much time in those public schools.
12. It was that messed up church that did it to her.
13. The demands placed on him at that private academy would have killed anyone.
14. You looked JUST like him from the day you were born- I should have known.
15. That afternoon with that one family down the street- kid was never the same.
16. They said that summer camp was all about Jesus- but we know better now!
17. Darn that quack doctor!
18. If only I had specifically laid out the plan of salvation…
19. If only we hadn’t homeschooled.
20. If only we had homeschooled.

How freeing to realize that one traumatic event or even a series of traumatic events, or my DNA or my husband’s DNA or anyone else’s DNA, or a grandparent’s or a teacher’s negative influence, or any other isolated thing is not the sole cause of an outcome in reference to the character of another!

How humbling to know that not I, nor anyone else, nor any environment, nor any single event is solely responsible for any achievement or successful venture on this earth!

How good of God to allow that HE will bring to heaven any and all He had determined to bring- with or without our particular help; to know that we only need live out our LOVE of HIM to the best of our understanding and abilities and ALL will be well.

How gracious is our God! How worthy of ALL praise, glory, and gratitude! And how wonderful to know how small while yet significant are we!

Copyright 2019. L.L. Shelton.

Have A Happy Healthy Day!


Responsible use of essential oils includes:

1. An awareness of their medicinal properties and value.

2. A great deal of research and education.

3. The willingness to track and report all use to your primary care physician.

4. The willingness to schedule a visit with your primary care doctor when your use of oils is not reducing your symptoms in a timely manner.

This post is in the interest of your good health!

Learn how to use essential oils appropriately for common ailments. It’s the natural choice.

I have researched several labels. This is a list of quality brand essential oils- in order from most expensive down to least costly- all effective for common ailments, but more oil is needed of the three less expensive brands to accomplish the same results achieved with lesser amounts of Young Living oils.

I do not sell YL as I practice a healing profession and consider there to be the possibility of a conflict of interest, but honestly the longer I study and use the oils, the greater is my preference for the YL oils. (My second preference is NOW.)

1. Young Living Oils
2. Native American Nutritionals
3. Healing Solutions Oils
4. NOW Food Oils


Responsible use of essential oils includes:

1. An awareness of their medicinal properties and value.

2. A great deal of research and education.

3. The willingness to track and report all use to your primary care physician.

4. The willingness to schedule a visit with your primary care doctor when your use of oils is not reducing your symptoms in a timely manner.

Have a healthy, happy day!

2015, L.L. Shelton

In Support of A Savior

(With a nod to Galt Niederhoffer)

How does missing occur
without having?
Without holding?
Why does one long
for something never known?
When does a smile wax sin?
Is that possible?
When does a gaze
become extraordinary?
What distinguishes friendly
embrace from intimate
brush of hands?
Where does existence
become betrayal?
Truth will never be
put asunder:
For the answer to these
and other related questions,
tune-in tonight
following the evening meal:
Main course: Self- examination,
served with a side
of self-deprecation,
Finished with a flourish
of nine inch nails.

Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.

On Art

As a favorite philosopher/theologian Francis Schaeffer stated quite appropriately in his thesis, How Should We Then Live, art  is merely the expression of a man’s mind.  I’ve spent many years processing this idea imparted to me by Dr. Schaeffer.  I knew I agreed with him from the moment I heard him utter it, but I think I knew there was more that needed to be said.

The true artist is of either the most courageous among us or the genuinely nonchalant; for he dares to create something abiding which will outlast his own existence here.  He is a person of conviction who boldly believes in his right and ability to impress on his own generation and on the ones to come his thoughts, his experience, or he is oblivious to his own place- maybe to his own identity, and in a whirlwind of reactivity leaves a piece of himself behind.

The importance of art certainly can not be overstated as it is of a permanence our physical bodies do not attain.   Art will endure and it will influence and persuade those whom it touches.  It will do these things with or without permission. It will do these things within and outside of boundaries, and it will remain our responsibility as individual souls to respond in a manner conducive to the blessing of our brothers and sisters in humanity.

Copyright 2018. L.L. Shelton.


Born To Bear

Empathy is a form of genius
Though is easily seen,
In reflections of W. H. Auden,
It surely takes its toll.

Furrowed etched into his brow
Resembling ravines,
Lines formed as he was wondering,
All nature he extolls.

Now notice please Her Majesty,
Victoria the queen,
Though many keen abilities,
Love was her finest role.

As for Professor Doctor Saks,
Empathy he has been,
Patients seem as his own arm and then,
He tells us of their souls.

Copyright 2014.   L.L. Shelton.

On Personality and Character

A healthy person is a whole person. A healthy person is not of a different character depending on his altered circumstance or position.  A healthy person is the same person whether with kings or commoners, whether in want or in plenty, whether being praised or criticized.

A healthy person displays the same self in every room in the house, and whether at home or abroad. His identity and morally sensitive values are clear to him and to others.  A healthy person is of an honest and steady character. He is most often able to be relied upon to behave prudently and tends to inspire confidence.

This is not to say he has a perfect character, it is to say he possesses a stable, socially acceptable character. The healthy person is human and will experience a wide range of emotion. He will make his share of mistakes, commit his sins, however he will generally respond to his mistakes and to his sins by taking ownership of them, and by attempting to correct or atone in a responsible manner wherever possible, no matter his personality or temperament.

Some people are unheahlthy, as they have made their way through life never forming a solid identity of their own. They have failed to develop a cohesive sense of self or a coherent system of belief and values. These people are unpredictable at best. They have great difficulty in making decisions- generally either making them too hastily or tending to avoid decisions altogether. They find it complicated to be consistent from day to day.

These people are usually reacting to the moment, behaving in whatever way the hour appears to dictate. Their behavior tends to inspire or at the least contribute to chaos. To be emotionally out of control is more normal than not for these persons as they are routinely fluctuating between emotional flooding and an emotional void. Many are labeled by the mental health field as clinically neurotic and often as disordered personalities.

Then there are those who form a definite identity of their own, including a system of belief and values, but the identity is for one reason and another a socially or morally unacceptable identity. These people are nearly always on stage- acting- pretending to be whatever the moment requires as they do not wish to make their true identity apparent.

They are often difficult to discern as they are highly manipulative and are usually largely engaged in managing impressions and outcomes, regularly leaving little time for anything else. They are most concerned with managing the thoughts of others and ultimately the behavior of others, especially those closest to them.  It may be rightly perceived as a highly sophisticated form of bullying.

Mental health professionals are easily occupied with clients and patients who have spent too much time in the company of someone of this type. This type is recognized to have a disturbed or disordered personality and is increasingly known by the mental health field as CHARACTER disturbed. These are the essentially psychotic. Once recognized, others do best to distance themselves from these people, immediately if possible.

Surely, it is evident and we must admit that the stream of mental health must grapple with every other brook of study and with all academic disciplines ultimately converge to form a river running straight into the ocean of Theology.

To read more on this topic please see, Character Disturbance by George K. Simon, Jr., Phd, also see, People Of The Lie by M. Scott Peck, MD, and Lies, Lies, Lies by Charles V. Ford, MD.

Copyright 2017.  L.L.  Shelton.


Does winter have to last this long?
Did you really have to ask?
I think that I see flowers waving to me top the hill.
Right here. Right now.
It’s a game I learned to play while I was. bound.
Hands tied, face down, I basked
In the glow of sunshine spilling ‘ore the window sill.
Right here. Right now.
I sing songs, shivering, and sad while I am still.
I say see the jaunty laughing daffodils.
Right here. Right now.

Copyright 2017. L.L. Shelton.