Category Archives: Health

How Well Are We Adulting?

Adults educate themselves.

Adults seek and consider counsel.

Adults adopt their own values.

Adults make decisions.

Adults embrace responsibility for their decisions.

Adults are honest with themselves and others.

Adults accept the blame that is due them.

Adults graciously pardon weakness in others.

Adults are respectful and considerate of others.

Adults are motivated by the joy of service.

Adults cheerfully give more than they take.

Adults engage in conflict.

Adults engage in conflict resolution.

Adults demand little and freely negotiate.

Adults remember the past and learn from it.

Adults plan for the future and rest in it.

Adults  live in the present and enjoy it.

How well are you adulting, today?

Copyright 2020.     L.L. Shelton.



An RO of 6! Yikes! Is it time to panic?!?

  1. Regarding public health and disease, what is an R0 (r-naught)? It is a label for an infectious disease that tells us that each person with that particular illness will possibly-even probably- infect a certain number of other people.
  2. Why is it important to know the actual RO of SARS-cov-2; to know the rate at which it would spread if we were not practicing social distancing? Because the original number, before mitigation, in other words before we practiced social distancing, tells us what would happen if we were NOT practicing staying apart from one another.
  3. What is the ACTUAL RO of the virus that causes COVID-19? According to the report and Vice-President Pence’s confirmation of it, yesterday at the White House briefing, the task force has known from the beginning that SARS-cov-2 has an RO of six.  THAT is why the mitigation, in other words- staying apart from one another- has been extremely important.  Also, they knew less then about the effects of the virus and though more is known now, there is still so much more to know.
  4. What is the RO of SARS-cov-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) with mitigation, in other words because we are practicing staying away from one another? The RO with mitigation in place was at 2.28 and has dropped to between 1 and 2.
  5. Is there any more good news?  Yes.  When the test that will count the evidence of a person’s anti-bodies to the virus is available, we will test a large population of those who have been exposed but did not appear to become sick or seriously ill. Then we will know approximately how many people catch the virus and do not get sick, or contract COVID-19  and are only mildly affected.  This is important because a high RO such as six would be much less dangerous if it applies to a disease that is often only mildly experienced.  The need for drastic mitigation may be reduced in the future when this particular strain of Coronavirus returns.

        L.L.  Shelton, 2020.

The Journey Together

For every up there is a down,
For every joy there is a sorrow,
For every life that’s lived,
There comes a no tomorrow.

Bring on your troubles then,
We’ll carry one another,
Until that very end,
We’ll love like we are brothers.

Together count our blessings,
United we will strive,
We’ll learn and in thanksgiving,
As family we’ll thrive.

Copyright 2019.     L.L. Shelton.

Have A Happy Healthy Day!


Responsible use of essential oils includes:

1. An awareness of their medicinal properties and value.

2. A great deal of research and education.

3. The willingness to track and report all use to your primary care physician.

4. The willingness to schedule a visit with your primary care doctor when your use of oils is not reducing your symptoms in a timely manner.

This post is in the interest of your good health!

Learn how to use essential oils appropriately for common ailments. It’s the natural choice.

I have researched several labels. This is a list of quality brand essential oils- in order from most expensive down to least costly- all effective for common ailments, but more oil is needed of the three less expensive brands to accomplish the same results achieved with lesser amounts of Young Living oils.

I do not sell YL as I practice a healing profession and consider there to be the possibility of a conflict of interest, but honestly the longer I study and use the oils, the greater is my preference for the YL oils. (My second preference is NOW.)

1. Young Living Oils
2. Native American Nutritionals
3. Healing Solutions Oils
4. NOW Food Oils


Responsible use of essential oils includes:

1. An awareness of their medicinal properties and value.

2. A great deal of research and education.

3. The willingness to track and report all use to your primary care physician.

4. The willingness to schedule a visit with your primary care doctor when your use of oils is not reducing your symptoms in a timely manner.

Have a healthy, happy day!

2015, L.L. Shelton