Category Archives: Health & Disease


I always taught my children to remember their three things:

  1. Keep your eyes on Jesus.
  2. Obey your authorities- IN THE LORD.
  3. Use good manners.

I taught them who Jesus was and who Jesus is.  I taught them the definition of authority and that some authority is good and of GOD and that some is evil; as every good thing fell in the beginning and can now be perverted.  I told them to follow authority ONLY when authority did not ask them to sin or to go against THE GOD of THE BIBLE.  I taught them that though manners and customs can be very specific as pertaining to different societies, ultimately manners are a way of behaving that does not offend another, and that good manners are defined in the Golden rule.  The Golden rule reminds us to do to others only that we would in our reasonable mind do or want done to ourselves.

In this present world, It is becoming increasingly difficult to know when the authority is in opposition to GOD and to HIS good.  Yet, as always, we must be able to recognize sin, and sin is anything that is displeasing to GOD, and to resist sin or flee from it.  I ask now that my children and all people pray for discernment- BEG for wisdom- and resist any authority in opposition to the good that is GOD.

Copyright 2021.    L.L. Shelton.



An RO of 6! Yikes! Is it time to panic?!?

  1. Regarding public health and disease, what is an R0 (r-naught)? It is a label for an infectious disease that tells us that each person with that particular illness will possibly-even probably- infect a certain number of other people.
  2. Why is it important to know the actual RO of SARS-cov-2; to know the rate at which it would spread if we were not practicing social distancing? Because the original number, before mitigation, in other words before we practiced social distancing, tells us what would happen if we were NOT practicing staying apart from one another.
  3. What is the ACTUAL RO of the virus that causes COVID-19? According to the report and Vice-President Pence’s confirmation of it, yesterday at the White House briefing, the task force has known from the beginning that SARS-cov-2 has an RO of six.  THAT is why the mitigation, in other words- staying apart from one another- has been extremely important.  Also, they knew less then about the effects of the virus and though more is known now, there is still so much more to know.
  4. What is the RO of SARS-cov-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) with mitigation, in other words because we are practicing staying away from one another? The RO with mitigation in place was at 2.28 and has dropped to between 1 and 2.
  5. Is there any more good news?  Yes.  When the test that will count the evidence of a person’s anti-bodies to the virus is available, we will test a large population of those who have been exposed but did not appear to become sick or seriously ill. Then we will know approximately how many people catch the virus and do not get sick, or contract COVID-19  and are only mildly affected.  This is important because a high RO such as six would be much less dangerous if it applies to a disease that is often only mildly experienced.  The need for drastic mitigation may be reduced in the future when this particular strain of Coronavirus returns.

        L.L.  Shelton, 2020.

Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19)

Maybe I was taught logic in school or maybe I learned critical thinking while I taught it to my children as part of their education- either way, I’m thankful in light of current events.

Please consider these thoughts whether you are among the “this is the greatest hoax the world has ever known” population or the “this is happening- it is not a drill- take it seriously” group.

    1. If you are among the first group you must ask yourself, “why?” Who are “they” and why would they orchestrate such a thing?  Would it be to have an excuse to enact Marshall law in democratic nations? Would it be to target the nearly useless (if there is such a thing) among humanity and eliminate them? Would it be to provide a reason to stop Christian and Spiritual gatherings? Again, why?
    2. If you are among the second demographic, once more you must ask yourself, “why?” IT being the COVID-19 virus; is it because as the old rhyme heralds and knowing now that IT is more dangerous to the general population than the flu, “round and round and round IT goes, where IT stops nobody knows?”
    3. If you think it could be both-why might it be both?
    4. Having done this, it is your responsibility to pray, to stay calm, to follow instructions (if none is asking you to sin), to prepare to the best of your ability to provide for those closest to you and that you may help any in need.

About That

She was born into a war
being waged in suburban America.

Its origins were untold.
Soldiers frequently forgot
on which side they had enlisted.
Skirmishes were frequent and furious.

The match had been on
at least these fifty years,
though battles were less often.
Sometimes there was a cease-fire.

Then came a loud lull…

She mistakenly believed
they were in a state of truce;
sent the watchman home and gave
the guard a well deserved night off.

Gigantic force
collided with her tired skull
before she knew the fight was back on,
and so made suddenly aware she sprang,

Further injury was abated for now,
but as time would tell only to her face.

Copyright 2014.  L.L. Shelton.